I Can Statements


Reading - I can show the parts of a book.

Writing - I can label pictures.

Math - I can show the numbers 1-10 in many ways.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can make new friends.


Reading - I can point to the words when I read.

Writing - I can write a book about me.

Math - I can graph, sort, and make patterns.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can describe Autumn.


Reading - I can choose and read a Just Right Book.

Writing - I can correctly use spaces and lowercase letters.

Math - I can identify teen numbers and shapes.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can explore ways that objects move.


Reading - I can use my schema to better understand a story.

Writing - I can write small moment stories.

Math - I can count and compare numbers 10-20.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can explore traditions and celebrations.


Reading - I can make connections.

Writing - I can tell, draw and write my opinion about a topic or a book.

Math - I can add and subtract numbers to 10.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can explore weather and climate.


Reading - I can describe a character.

Writing - I can write and support my opinion.

Math - I can celebrate the number 100.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can explore the water cycle.


Reading - I can retell a story.

Writing - I can write a procedure.

Math - I can measure and describe 3-D shapes.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can practice healthy habits.


Reading - I can use sensory images when I read.

Writing - I can write lists and friendly letters.

Math - I make fact families to 5.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can take care of the Earth.


Reading - I can read nonfiction text.

Writing - I can write a report.

Math - I can compose and decompose numbers.

Science & Global Citizenship - I can describe what plants and animals need.