Songs and Poems

Image result for chicka chicka boom boom clip art
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Look who's here in our room!
Clap each person's name.

Come On Over

Come on over,
Come on over.

Gather around,
Gather around.

Everybody join us,
Everybody join us.

Come sit down.

Come sit down.

Hickety Pickety
Hickety Pickety Bumble Bee.
Won’t you say your name for me?
(Child says his/her name)
Let’s clap it!

Shark Song
5 little fish are swimming
in the sea,
teasing Mr. Shark,
“You can’t catch me!”
Along comes Mr. Shark,
as hungry as can be…
He SNAPPED that fish
right out of the sea!

Continue counting
backward to zero and
then sing: Along comes Mr. Shark
as lonely as can be!

Doughnut Shop
WELL, I ran around the corner,
and I ran around the block.
And I bumped right into the Doughnut Shop – OUUFFF!
WELL, I scooped up the doughnut,
and I wiped off the grease,
and I handed the lady a 5 cent piece.
WELL, she looked at the money,
and she looked at me,
and she said, “This money is no good
you see!
THERE’S a hole in the money
and goes right through.”

I said, “Thanks for the doughnut!
Toodle Loo!”

Shape Poems

Tommy Triangle is the name for me.
Tap my sides: 1, 2, 3!!!

Ryan Rectangle is my name.  
My 4 sides are not the same.
Sometimes short, sometimes long.  
Hear me sing my happy song.

I’m Sally Circle.  Watch me bend.
Round and round from end to end.

Sandy Square is my name.  
My 4 sides are just the same.
Turn me round, I don’t care.  
I’m always the same, I’m Sandy Square.

I am Hannah Hexagon.  Count up all my sides.
Did you find that I have 6?
 I hope you’re not surprised!

I’m Riley Rhombus… Pointy and bright!
I’m 2 triangles stuck together –
All day and all night!

Oliver Oval is my name.  
Stretching circles is my game!

I am Tyler Trapezoid.
Look at my 4 sides.
Only 2 of them are parallel,
Now isn’t that just super swell?

Greeting Around

Round I go,
Friendly I’ll be.

Round and Round,
Who do I see?

I see a friend looking at me!

Oh, A-Hunting We Will Go

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a fox
And put him in a box,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a sheep
And put him in a jeep,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a goat
And put him in a boat,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a bear
And cut his hair,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a snake
And put him in a cake,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll catch a pig
And put him in a wig,
And then we’ll let him go!

Oh, a-hunting we will go,
A-hunting we will go;
We’ll just pretend
And in the end,
We’ll always let them go!

It’s Time to Make a Rhyme

It’s time to make a rhyme, make a rhyme.
It’s time to make a rhyme, make a rhyme.

We will have so much fun,
Making rhymes one on one.

It’s time to make a rhyme, make a rhyme!

The Manners Song

Please and thank you.
Please and thank you.
Sound so nice.
Sound so nice.
Manners are important.
Manners are important.
Be polite.
Be polite.

Hello Neighbor
Hello Neighbor,
What do you say?
It’s going to be a happy day!
Greet your neighbor.
Boogie on down!
Give a jump and turn around!

Banana Song

I like to pick bananas.
Pick, Pick, bananas!
I like to peel bananas.
Peel, Peel, bananas!
I like to slice bananas.
Slice, Slice, bananas!
I like to eat bananas.
Eat, Eat, Bananas!
I like to go bananas.
Go, Go, Bananas!

5 Brown Buns

5 brown buns in a bakery shop,
5 brown buns with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one bun and away he ran!

4 brown buns in a bakery shop,
4 brown buns with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one bun and away he ran!

3 brown buns in a bakery shop,
3 brown buns with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one bun and away he ran!

2 brown buns in a bakery shop,
2 brown buns with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one bun and away he ran!

1 brown bun in a bakery shop,
1 brown bun with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one bun and away he ran!

0 brown buns in a bakery shop,
0 brown buns with sugar on top.
In walks a man with a penny in his hand.
He took one look and away he ran!

Water Cycle Cha Cha Cha

Evaporation, Evaporation,
Water floating to the sky.

Condensation, Condensation,
Clouds forming in the sky.

Precipitation, Precipitation,
Water falling from the sky.

The Water Cycle, The Water Cycle,
Always happens all the time.
