Science and Global Citizenship

Here is a list of Science themes that will be covered throughout the school year:

Citizenship and Classroom Community

Force and Motion

Traditions and Celebrations

Seasons, Weather and Climate

Community Helpers

Plants, Animals and Their Environment

Here is a list of Global Citizenship themes that will be covered throughout the school year:

September - Persistence & Managing impulsivity

October - Listening with understanding and empathy & Thinking flexibly

November - Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision & Striving for accuracy

January - Responding with wonderment and awe & Finding humor

February - Thinking about your thinking & Questioning and problem solving

March - Taking responsible risks and Thinking interdependently

April - Gathering data through all senses & Creating, imagining and innovating

May - Remaining open to continuous learning & Applying past knowledge to new situations.

Here is a chart of The Habits of Mind that will be covered throughout the school year:

Habits of Mind
September - Persistence & Managing impulsivity
October - Listening with understanding & empathy & Thinking flexibly
November - Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision & Striving for accuracy
January - Responding with wonderment and awe & Finding humor
February - Thinking about your thinking & Questioning and problem posing
March - Taking responsible risks & Thinking interdependently
April - Gathering data through all senses & Creating, imagining, and innovating
May - Remaining open to continuous learning & Applying past knowledge to new situations