Friday, January 31, 2020

January Week 4

Kindergarten News 1/31/20

Greeting: ABC Order
Activity: Hot Potato
Muscle Words -
  This Week: up & down
  Review: love, like, went, want, big, little, in, it, and, am, at, can, an, my, the, to, do, is, see, he, she, me, we, be, yes, no, I, & a
  Next Week: book & look
Readers Workshop: We continued to make connections to books and ask wondering questions. We read Grandfather Twilight with a special Guest Reader - Mrs. Ferguson - The Queen of Feelings!
Math: We played math games that focused on combinations to 10! The students learned how to play a new version of Drop It Sticks. In this game, the students count by 10s and 1s to find the total number of dots on their sticks.
Fundations -
This Week: Upper Case Letters
  Review: All of the Lower Case Letters
Next Week: Upper Case Letters
Writers Workshop: We completed our Opinion Writing Unit!
Science and Global Citizenship: We completed our study of The Water Cycle!
Dates to Remember:
Wednesday, February 5th - Four Winds
Friday, February 7th - No School
Monday, February 17th - Guest Teacher
February 24th - March 3rd - Vacation