Friday, February 21, 2020

February Week 3

Kindergarten News 2/21/20

Greeting: Banana Fana
Activity: Stretching Songs & Games
Muscle Words -
  This Week: day & play
  Review: go, so, oh, book, look, love, like, went, want, big, little, in, it, and, am, at, can, an, my, the, to, do, is, see, he, she, me, we, be, yes, no, I, & a
  Next Week: REVIEW
Readers Workshop: We read books and talked about characters and character traits.
Math: We learned about coins!
Fundations -
This Week: CVC Words & The Digraph - TH
  Review: All of the Letters & Sounds
Next Week: CVC Words
Writers Workshop: We illustrated our amazing Eric Carle Books!
Science and Global Citizenship: We learned about The Habits of Mind:
*Questioning and Problem Posing
*Thinking About Your Thinking
Dates to Remember:
February 24th - March 3rd - Vacation