Thursday, April 9, 2020

Remote Learning - Day 14

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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Good Morning Kind Kindergartners!

It is Thoughtful Thursday!
Write a thank you note to someone.
Optional - send me an email/picture of your note.

Please click on this link for today's message:
Video from Ms. R.

I Love to Read Links:
I Love to Read Video
Misunderstood Shark

Mystery Science Question - Can Animals Laugh?

*Write 10 muscle words and read them
*Stretch, tap out, and write:
*Complete 1 page in your Journal. 
Be sure to include 2 sentences and use the sentence rules.

*Log on to Razz Kids and complete 2 books
*Read 10 minutes and complete the CES Reading Challenge Page
Click on this link to enter your information:
Randall - CES Reading Challenge Log
*Click on this link to practice letters and sounds:
Alphabet Sign and Sign
*How to Writing
How To Writing #4

Remember that Good Readers think/say:

Muscle Words -
This Week: come & some
Review: here, for, of, will, what, get, on, off, day, play, go, so, oh, book, look, love, like, went, want, big, little, in, it, and, am, at, can, an, my, the, to, do, is, see, he, she, me, we, be, yes, no, I, & a
Next week: REVIEW

*Today's Math Game is the card game - Clock Solitaire.
How to Play Clock Solitaire
*Complete 1 page in an addition fact book.
*Complete 1 page in your math problem solving book.
*Click on this link to practice counting to 100:
Fast Counting
*Problem Solving Video:
Problem Solving #6

Number Corner
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3


*Check out Mrs. Cloutier's Music Blog/Bingo
Music Blog

Virtual Field Trip
Tour Butterfly World

*Please fill out our Daily Check-In form using this link: