Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Remote Learning - Day 8

Image result for april  gif

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It is the first day of April! 
Happy Birthday to James!

Let's celebrate Wacky Wednesday with this picture:

Image result for dog cartoon gif
And this Wacky Days of the Week song:
Days of the Week Song

Please click on this link for today's message:
Video from Ms. R.

*Read 10 minutes and complete the CES Reading Challenge Page
Click on this link to enter your information:
Randall - CES Reading Challenge Log
*Go on a Muscle Word Hunt! 
You can find words in all sorts of places - books, magnets, food packages, and more! 
See if you can find 10 muscle words.
*Complete 1 page in your Journal. 
Be sure to include 2 sentences and use the sentence rules.

*Click on this link for the Capital Letter Song:
Capital Letter Song
*Click on this link to for a Letter Sound Workout:
Letter Workout Video

Muscle Words -
This Week: here

Review: for, of, will, what, get, on, off, day, play, go, so, oh, book, look, love, like, went, want, big, little, in, it, and, am, at, can, an, my, the, to, do, is, see, he, she, me, we, be, yes, no, I, & a

Next week: come & some

*Number Corner Links:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
*The math game today is the card game - Snip, Snap, Snorem! 
Snip Snap Snorem
Number of players:
Cards: Standard deck of cards
Deal the cards out completely (don't worry if some players get more than others).
Players sort the cards in their hands from lowest - Ace to King.
The object of the game is to get rid of all your cards.
The player to the left of the dealer starts by placing any card down on the table.
The next player looks to see if they have a card of the same rank.
If they do, they place it down on top of the card, saying "Snip."
If they have another card of the same rank, they place it down too, saying "Snap."
If they don't, the player says “pass” to signal the next player that it is their turn, and so on.
Whoever places the fourth card of that rank says "Snorem!"
He/she wins the right to start the next round with the card of their choice.
Children will soon learn that it is best to lead with a card in which they have more than one of a kind.
*Sort your subtraction cards by the answer. 
For example - make a pile of facts that equal 1, a pile of facts that equal 2, and so on. 
*Complete 1 page in a math addition fact book.
*Click on this link to practice counting to 100:
Count by 1s
Count by 5s
Count by 10s

Science and More

*Click on this link & do one activity from Mrs. G's P.E. Blog:
Mrs. G's Blog

Song of the Day
*Click on this link for the Song of the Day:
Song of the Day

Virtual Field Trip
Tour a Bakery

Nurse Reed's Contact Information:
Nurse Reed's Blog
Phone Number: 802-521-5619

From Mrs. Baumann
Here is a story about shoes.  
I'm sharing this story because it is a companion story (a go together story),
to the book I read to you in library special this week - "Girl Running." 
The character in it isn't running but he is all excited about his new shoes, 
just like Pam was excited about hers!  
Library Link

*Please fill out our Daily Check-In form using this link: